费用 cost; expenses; outlay 生产费用 production cost; 生活费用 cost of living; living expenses; 结婚费用 marriage expenses; 战争费用 the expense of a war; 旅游费用 tourist expenditure; 工作费用 working expenditure; 削减费用 curtail expenditure; whittle down cost; 不计 ... 的费用 eliminate the expense for ...; 追加费用 additional expense; 费用高得使人不敢问津。 the expense is prohibitive. 这本书收不回它的出版费用。 the book will not pay its publishing expenses
The salary increments of existing officers on agreement and probationary terms and the full year effect of mpf contribution for staff newly employed in 2003 - 04 因现职合约及试用期员工增薪及2003 - 04年度内新受聘员工强制性公积金供款的全年费用。