全体 all; entire; whole 全体罢工 a general strike; 全体出席 full attendance; 全体辞职 resign en bloc; 全体大会 general meeting; 全体会议 plenary meeting [session]; plenum; 全体反对 unanimous opposition; 全体工作人员 the whole staff; 全体起立、热烈鼓掌 lengthy standing ovation; 全体同事 all hands; 全体外交官 the diplomatic service; 全体一致 no one contradicting; unanimously; 全体与部分学习 whole and part learning; 全体一致的投票 a solid vote; 全体演员 the entire cast; 开全体会 hold a plenary session; 全体出动 in full strength; 全体董事会成员 board structure; 他代表全体教职员工讲了话。 he spoke on behalf of all the members of the faculty and staff. 我们全体都参加了会议。 we all attended the meeting.; 全体船员 all hands; ship; 全体合议庭 full court; 全体陪审员 panel; 全体退场 exeunt ommes (指舞台); 全体选民 country; 全体主义 universalism
一致 fit; showing no difference; identical; unanimous; consistent; in accordance with; in accord; agreed; in keeping with; interconsistency; coincide; uniform 一致决定 unanimous decision; 一致表决 unanimous vote; 一致行动 concerted action; 一致对外 unity against foreign; 一致同意 agree unanimously; 对某事意见一致 be in agreement on sth.; in unison; 官兵一致 unity between officers and men; 观点一致 hold identical views; be of the same view; 通过大家的一致努力 thanks to the concerted efforts of all; 决议获得一致通过。 the resolution was adopted unanimously. 即使我们不能取得一致, 我们也要保持联系。 even if we cannot agree, we should maintain our contact. 发展中国家的根本利益是一致的。 the developing countries share the same fundamental interests. 体例前后不一致。 the style is inconsistent
八识体一 the eight perceptions are fundamentally unity opposed by the