Cida manages canada s official development assistance programmes around the world 加拿大国际发展署是加拿大负责在全世界发展援助计划的官方机构。
Presently , network society and network economy develop quickly around the world . the chiefly bottle - neck problem that baffle it is the processing problem for natural language 目前,网络社会和网络经济正以极快的速度在全世界发展,阻碍其发展的首要瓶颈问题就是自然语言的处理问题。
To take such isolationist measures would hurt millions of american workers whose jobs depend on a vibrant and open trading relationship with china and the world . more broadly , the u . s . and world economies would suffer if trade barriers are raised 泽奥利克说: “采用这种孤立主义做法将损害千百万美国工人的利益,他们的就业有赖于与中国和全世界发展活跃、开放的贸易关系。
But they do make that transition possible . so i see the companies in this room at the forefront not only of economic development in asia , as you lay america s claim for a place of pride in the world s fastest growing economy . i see you sowing seeds of change in the extraordinary transformation of china 所以,我认为,此会议室里的公司在全世界发展最快的经济中占据骄傲一席之地时,不仅是站在亚洲经济发展的最前沿;我认为,你们是在传播中国非凡变革的种子。
As one of the most important financial innovation , assets securitization originated in america in 1970s . with the unique functions , it has great advantages in financial market , such as making the assets and liabilities of financial institutions more fluid , the bank low risk and estate market more active , then the assets securitization spread to all over the world . the purposes of developing the assets securitization of nations differ , but the processes are the same 作为20世纪70年代以来最重要的一种金融创新,资产贷款证券化最先发源于美国,由于其在解决银行信贷资产的流动性、提高银行的资本利用率、降低银行风险、维持银行体系的稳定性、促进活跃房地产市场等方面发挥了重要的作用,这一金融创新在全世界发展开来。