- 入 enter
- 水 water
- 很 very; quite; awfully
- 浅 shallow
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 跳水 dive
- 法 law
- 入水浅的跳水法 shallow dive
- 头先入水的跳水动作 header
- 一种跳水法 jack
- 跨步式入水法 giant stride entry
- 没做好的跳水动作 spoiled dive
- 失败的跳水动作 failed dive
- 面色和头发颜色很浅的 xanthochroid
- 很浅 very light
- 站立后倒入水法 standing back entry
- 无难度系数限制的跳水动作 dive without limit
- 有难度系数限制的跳水动作 dive with limit
- 浅的 filar; flat; shallow; shoal; superficial
- 跳水 [体育] dive 高难度跳台跳水 variety high diving; 跳板跳水 springboard diving; 向前[后] 跳水 front [back] dive; 花式跳水 fancy dive; 燕式跳水 swallow dive; 跳水保护员 dive-keeper; 跳水表演 diving exhibition; 跳水池 dive pool
- 水法 aqueous; water law
- 入水 catch; entry into wateer; entry into water; gate; immerse; water entry
- 交情很浅 not on familiar terms light
- 这水很清 the water is quite clear. quiet
- 变浅的 shoal