Scrapie , creutzfeld - jakob and bse are among the most unusual diseases known to medical research 羊痒病、克雅氏病和疯牛病是医学研究中最罕见的疾病之一。
Switching off the gene in an adult brain , as would hae to be done as a treatment for cjd , is a different matter 在人脑中切断这个基因,也许可能成为克雅氏病( cjd )的一种治疗方法,但是前后两者是不同的。
There is currently no treatment for prion diseases , which include cjd in humans and boine spongiform encephalopathy ( bse ) in cattle 目前还没有普粒子疾病的治疗办法,包括人类的克雅氏病( cjd )和牛脑海绵状病(疯牛病, bse ) 。
In 1996 , there was global concern when scientists found that eating beef products from infected cows may cause a similar fatal brain disease in humans - a variant of creutzfeldt - jakob disease 1996年,科学家发现食用感染的牛肉产品可能导致人类患类似的致命脑病,即新变异型克雅氏病,这引发了全球性的关注。
克雅氏病的法语:variante de la maladie de creutzfeldt-jakob cjd nouvelle variante de la maladie de creutzfeldt-jakob maladie de creutzfeld-jakob maladie de creutzfeldt-jakob maladie de creutzfeldt-jakob