Laizhou guangyuan machinery co . , ltd 莱州市光远机械有限公司
Yu guangyuan ' s research of economic system reform and market economy 于光远对经济体制改革和市场经济的研究
Li jun , yang gang - yuan 李俊,杨光远
Mr . tao guanyuan , chief representative of beijing office , deutsch - chinese economic and trade cooperation center 陶光远先生德中经贸合作中心北京代表处首席代表
Guangyuan brand tip lorry conforms to jg t94 - 2000 national standard after being checked by shandong quality inspection ministry 光远牌翻斗车经山东省质检部门鉴定符合jg t94 - 2000国家标准
Guangyuan brand has gained prize for progress in science and technology of province and ministry and top10 name brand “光远”牌荣获“省优部优及省级科技进步奖” “十佳名优品牌”等荣誉称号。
For development , economist yu guangyuan said third - class enterprise depends on the manufacturing ; second - class enterprise depends on the vendition and first - class enterprise depends on the culture 关于发展,经济学家于光远说过:三流企业靠生产,二流企业靠营销,一流企业靠文化。
The famous economist named yu yuanguang said : " the prosperity of a country depends on the economy , the economic flourish depends on enterprises . , the enterprise development depends on culture . 著名的经济学家于光远说过: “国家的富强靠经济,经济的繁荣靠企业,企业的发展靠文化。 ”
Mr . tao guangyuan chief representative of beijing office , deutsch - chinese economic and trade cooperation center gave a presentation entitled opportunity , risk and return analysis on investment into renewable energy in china 德中经贸合作中心副总经理高级经济师陶光远先生作了题为在中国投资可再生能源的机会收益和风险分析的报告。