

  • optical-design software



  • 例句与用法
  • An ocad optical design software package for automatic drawing
    一个可完全自动绘图的光学设计软件- ocad光学设计软件包
  • If it is true , then i think optics in china will soon on top of the world
  • Research of aberration characterization using two different optical design softwares
  • The optical modeling and simulation of micro optical switch using in laser ignition are made by zemax
  • A software controlled the polishing is programmed , and integrating the cad / cam technology , a procedure joined the optical design software to optical manufacture machines is advanced
    以此建立修正抛光的模型,编制控制研抛的接口软件,引入cad cam一体化制造技术,提出从光学设计软件到光学制造设备的工序联接。
  • Antireflection coatings is designed by using the advanced software for optics design , in the process of design the combination of the design software and the classical idea of design to film coefficient is adopted
    借助先进的光学设计软件tfc3 . 5分析设计了减反射膜,设计过程中采用设计软件与经典的膜系设计思想相结合的方法。
  • Secondly , the initial structure parameters of the f - theta lens are obtained with p - w method . and then a few of optimal f - theta lenses with different working area and required optical performances are gained with zemax optical design software under practical constrained conditions
    结合实际使用时的具体要求,如工作面为平面、工作面上照度须均匀分布等,利用zemax光学设计软件,建立合理的品质函数,优化设计得到多种不同工作面积的f - theta镜头。
  • How to improve the three primary colors led light source cavity , polarizing beam splitter system of civil lcos hmd is discussed in this paper . in addition , a new eyepiece optical system with wide fov ( field of view ) 、 big exit pupil 、 long eye relief is also designed by an optical design program named zemax . the result is very successful
  • Secondly , basic design project of wide - fov optical system with optical gain is proposed after the optical gain of typical wide - fov optical unit with optical gain has been analyzed and the infrared optical material has been selected . then the structure of optical system is optimized and analyzed with optical design software
  • The direction of my thesis is creating a new type coherent coupling diode laser array with high optical quality by bidirectional coupling with optical fiber array . thus the welding quality and welding speed can be improved . in my research experiments , the cylinder fiber lens is used as a coupling lens system firstly
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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