- try fair means before resorting to force; be a gentleman first and a soldier second; courteous before the use of force; first a courteous exchange of words, then war; take strong measures only after courteous ones fail; try peaceful means before resorting to force; try the effect of politeness before resorting to arms
- 落后兵 backward pawn
- 洗礼后之无罪状态 innocence, baptismal
- 先栗螺属 cyllene
- 先来者优先 first come first serve
- 先例 precedent; previous case taken as example 开先例 set a precedent; create a precedent; 有先例可援 have a precedent to go by; 为...创一先例 create a precedent for ...; 历史先例 historic precedent; 不乏先例。 there is no lack of precedents in this connection. 如果允许他这样做, 就会为别人开先例。 if he is allowed to do this, it will be a precedent for others
- 先来招待 first come,first serve
- 先例, 榜样 a leading card
- 先来先做规则 first come first served rule
- 先例,前例 precedent
- 先来先做 fcfs
- 先例;领先的;优先的 precedent
- 先来先招待 where there is s will there is a way
- 先礼后兵的日语:〈成〉初めは礼を尽くし,うまくいかなければ武力を行使する.
- 先礼后兵的韩语:【성어】 먼저 예를 지키고 안 될 때 무력을 행사하다; 처음에는 예의를 차리다가 안 될 때에는 강경한 수단을 사용하다.
- 先礼后兵什么意思:xiān lǐ hòu bīng 【解释】先按通常的礼节同对方交涉,如果行不能,再用武力或其他强硬手段解决。 【出处】明·罗贯中《三国演义》第十一回:“刘备远来救援,先礼后兵,主公当用好言答之,以慢备心,然后进兵攻城,城可破也。” 【示例】你这~方法实在高明。 【拼音码】xlhb 【灯谜面】下战书 【用法】连动式;作谓语、宾语、分句;指办事方法巧妙 【英文】take strong mea...