储藏 1.(保藏) save and preserve; store; keep; lay by 冷冻储藏 cold storage; 蔬菜储藏 preservation of vegetables; 这些蔬菜在摄氏20度以下的温度中能够很好地储藏。 these vegetables store well at temperatures below 20℃.2.(蕴藏) deposit 我国有丰富的石油储藏。 our country abounds in oil deposits.; 储藏量 [矿物学] reserves; deposit; 储藏品 stock; 储藏室 bin; warehousing charges; stillroom; storeroom; 储藏手段 a means of storage; 储藏物 reserve; hoardings; 储藏细胞 athrocyte
Specification for potato storage boxes for mechanical handling 机械运输用土豆储藏箱规范
Film bin x 射线胶片储藏箱
Standard test method for examination of liquid filled atmospheric and low pressure metal storage tanks using acoustic emission 用声音扩散检验充液的大气和低压金属储藏箱的标准试验方法