偷营劫寨 attack a camp by surprise; attack the enemy secretly; launch [make] an attack on a camp by surprise [at night]; make a surprise attack on an enemy('s) camp; night attack on a camp; raid an enemy camp; surprise and plunder a camp
I will only act moonshine, and peep harmlessly into the bed where faith and beauty and innocence lie dreaming . 我还是做月光吧,只不过在忠诚,美丽,纯洁(的爱米丽亚)睡着的时候,偷眼看看(她)罢了。
He searched aunt polly s face , but it told him nothing 他偷眼察看波莉姨妈的脸色,可什么也没有看出来。
They parted the bushes on the bank and peered out over the water 他们拨开河边的灌木丛,偷眼往水面观瞧。
It pauses , overcome by shyness , like my grandchild at the door , peeping in , ducking out of sight , giggling in the hallway 她腼腆而害羞,恰似我那小孙女,停步躲在门外,一会儿偷眼朝屋里瞧,一会儿缩回头不见踪影,只听到她在门廊格格地笑。
He worshipped this new angel with furtive eye , till he saw that she had discovered him ; then he pretended he did not know she was present , and began to " show off " in all sorts of absurd boyish ways , in order to win her admiration 他爱慕这位新来的天使并偷眼望她,直到看到她发现他为止。然后,他装着她好像不在的样子,开始用各种各样可笑的孩子气的方法来炫耀自己,为的是赢得她的好感。
The next instant he was out , and " going on " like an indian ; yelling , laughing , chasing boys , jumping over the fence at risk of life and limb , throwing handsprings , standing on his head - doing all the heroic things he could conceive of , and keeping a furtive eye out , all the while , to see if becky thatcher was noticing 他叫着,笑着,你追我赶,甚至不顾摔断手脚,冒着生命危险跳过栅栏,前后翻个不停或者拿大顶。总之,凡是他能想到的逞能事情,他都做了。他一边做,一边偷眼看看贝基撒切尔是不是看见了这一切。