停止 cease; suspend; call off; halt; stop; set-back; shutoff; arrest; discontinuous; dwelling; interruption; quit; rest; stoppage; throw-out of action 停止供水 cut off the water supply; cut off the water; 停止工作 stop working; 停止诉讼 discontinuance of action; 停止营业 business suspended; 停止罢工 call off a strike;我走近时他们停止了谈话。they stopped talking at my approach. 他们必须停止一切挑衅。 they must immediately cease all their provocations.; 停止信号 stopping signal; danger signal; break alarm; stop signal
计划 1.(工作、行动以前预先拟定的内容和步骤) plan; project; programme; device; devisal; design 宏伟的计划 a magnificent project; 五年计划 a five-year programme; 有计划地进行 proceed in a planned way; 制定计划 make a plan; draw up a plan; work out a plan; 指导性计划 guidance plan; 指令性计划 mandatory plan; 切实可行的计划 feasible [workable] plan; 有计划的商品经济 planned commodity economy; 反通货膨胀计划 anti-inflation programme; 紧急救助计划 the emergency aid programme; 五年“扫盲计划” the five-year“anti-illiteracy programme”; 修建新铁路的计划 the projection of a new railway2.(做计划) map out; plan; plot; design 会议原计划于三月开幕。 the conference was originally planned to open in march. 计划好了再动手干。 map it out before you start. 我们计划周末去纽约。 we plan to go to new york at the weekend.; 计划成本 planned costs; 计划经济 planned economy; 计划生产 planned production; 计划市场 planned market; 计划体制 planning system; 计划员 planner; schemer; 计划指标 plan targets