停止 cease; suspend; call off; halt; stop; set-back; shutoff; arrest; discontinuous; dwelling; interruption; quit; rest; stoppage; throw-out of action 停止供水 cut off the water supply; cut off the water; 停止工作 stop working; 停止诉讼 discontinuance of action; 停止营业 business suspended; 停止罢工 call off a strike;我走近时他们停止了谈话。they stopped talking at my approach. 他们必须停止一切挑衅。 they must immediately cease all their provocations.; 停止信号 stopping signal; danger signal; break alarm; stop signal
有效 effective; valid; efficacious 采取有效措施 take effective measures; 这张车票3日内有效。 this train ticket is valid for three days.; 有效半径 effective radius; 有效保险 insurance in force; 有效成分 active principle; active constituent; 有效范围 effective range; limits of validity; 有效功率 effective power; 有效能 available energy; 有效时间 effective time; net time; 有效寿命 useful life; actual life; 有效数字 significant digit; significant figure; 有效载荷 payload
Old identity cards bearing the year of birth from 1958 to 1969 shall cease to be valid 载有出生年份为1958至1969年的旧身份证将会停止有效
Old id cards issued before june 23 , 2003 , and bearing the year of birth specified below shall cease to be valid on october 16 , 2006 在2003年6月23日前发出并载有下列出生年份的旧身份证,由2006年10月16日起停止有效:
Old identity cards issued before 23 jun . 2003 and bearing a year of birth between and including 1943 and 1957 ceased to be valid on 15 jan . 2007 在2003年6月23日前发出并载有1943 - 1957出生年份的旧身份证,由2007年1月15日起停止有效。
Old identity cards issued before 23 jun . 2003 and bearing a year of birth between and including 1958 and 1969 ceased to be valid on 16 oct . 2006 在2003年6月23日前发出并载有1958 - 1969出生年份的旧身份证,由2006年10月16日起停止有效。
Where any information given in the endorsed notification relating to the transhipment cargo of odmre is rendered inaccurate in a material particular by any change of circumstances , the endorsement on the notification shall cease to have any effect 如已批署通知书所填报有关作为转运货物的光碟制作设备的任何资料因情况有所转变而在要项上变得不准确,则该通知书的批署即停止有效。
Where under subsection ( 4 ) the commissioner withdraws his approval from a code of practice approved under this section , he shall , by notice in the gazette , identify the code concerned and specify the date on which his approval of it is to cease to have effect 凡专员根据第( 4 )款撤回他给予任何已根据本条核准的实务守则的核准,他须藉宪报公告,示明有关的守则及指明他给予该守则的核准自何日起停止有效。
When the endorsement of a transhipment notification ceases to have effect at any time before the transhipment cargo of odmre is imported or exported , an import licence or an export licence , as the case may be , shall be applied for to cover the importation or exportation of the goods 如转运通知书的批署于该通知书所关乎作为转运货物的光碟制作设备进口或出口之前已停止有效,则须另行申请进口许可证或出口许可证(视属何情况而定) ,以进口或出口有关货物。