- 做事 handle affairs; do a deed; a ...
- 麻利 quick and neat; dexterous; d ...
- 干事麻利的人 quick and neat worker
- 麻利 (敏捷) quick and neat; dexterous; deft; quick-witted; agile 干活麻利 work dexterously; be a quick and neat worker; 干事麻利的人 quick and neat worker; 做事麻利 smart at work; 他非常麻利地驾驶着他那架小型飞机。 he handled the small airplane with great dexterity
- 做事 1.(从事某种工作或处理某件事情) handle affairs; do a deed; act 做事彻底 do sth. up brown; 做事得手 work smoothly; 做事敏捷 quick and efficient; 做事周到 do sth. up brown2.(工作) work; have a job
- 麻利的 saying or doing things easily fluent
- 干活麻利 work dexterously
- 汤原麻利绘 marie yuhara
- 荨麻利乔酒 chartreuse
- 不做事 do nothing
- 来做事 work to do
- 做事精明, 做事周密 know what one is about
- 不愿做事的 mondayish
- 不做事的 do nothing
- 非凡费心(做事) go out of one's way
- 开始做事 set about
- 鲁莽地做事 shoot from the hip
- 冒险做事 take a flyer
- 没有做事的 unoccupied
- 凭本能做事 follow one's nose
- 凭兴趣做事 follow one's bent
- 勤快地做事 rustle
- 请人做事 asking people to do things
- 人多好做事 many hands make light work
- 随意做事 do things in an aimless way spend time playing