- lake
- line of segregation
- segregated band
- segregated zone
- segregation band
- segregation line
- segregation streamers
- zone of segregation
- 偏 inclined to one side; slanti ...
- 析 divide; separate
- 带 belt; girdle; ribbon; band; ...
- 层析带 chromatographic band
- 偏析 aliquation; liquate; liquating; segreation; segregaion; segregate; segregation; selective hardening
- 反偏析 逆偏析 inversesegregation
- 反偏析 inverse segregation; negative segregation; reverse segregation
- 负偏析 negative segregation
- 宏偏析 macrosegregation
- 磷偏析 phosphorous segregation; phosphorus segregation
- 逆偏析 inverse segregation
- 偏析度 degree of segregation
- 偏析区 line of segragation; line of segregation; segregated spot; segregation
- 微偏析 microscopic segregation; microsegregation
- 无偏析 segregation-free
- 相偏析 phase segregation
- 正偏析 normal segregation; positive segregation
- 主偏析 major segregation
- 枝晶偏析 枝状偏析 树枝状偏析 dendriticsegregation
- 斑点状偏析 freckle type segregation; speckle segregation
- 半宏观偏析 semimacrosegregation
- 比重偏析 gravitational segregation
- 表面偏析 surface segregation
- 表皮偏析 skin segregate
- 侧部偏析 lateral segregation