True vertigo should be distinguished from pseudovertigo . 真性眩晕应当与假性眩晕区别开来。
The disease consists of two types , namely , genuine vertigo ( rotational ) and pseudo vertigo ( non - rotational ) 有真性眩晕(旋转性)与假性眩晕(非旋转性) 。
Patients will feel in a sudden sensation of movement or spinning in the cases of the genuine vertigo the pseudo vertigo will affect balance and the patient fells dizzy when standing 真性眩晕主要以旋转感为主,亦有倾斜感、跌倒感;而假性眩晕则有不稳定感、浮游感、摇摆感、或起立时眼前昏暗、或平衡障碍等眩晕感。