Theseus wrenched the club from his hands and battered him to death . 塞修斯从他手中夺过大棒,把他打死。
"why", said ignatius gallaher, vehemently, "do you know what it is? " “怎么,”伊格内修斯加拉赫狠狠地说,“你懂得什么?”
As for the romans, they were grateful to horatius for having saved their city . 至于罗马人,他们非常感谢霍雷修斯拯救了他们的城市。
As soon as matthews finished working on a piece of wood she returned it to its water bath . 马修斯每处理完一块木头就立即把它放回水槽。
This modern general meaning dates back to 1878 in the unites states according to mathews . 这个现今广为使用的含义,按马修斯说法在美国可追溯到1878年。
Every man, especially those that are overprovident, is in estate like that of promethus . 每一个人,特别是那种远见卓识的人,永远处在普罗米修斯所处的那样一种境地。
In the conflict between cronus and jupiter, prometheus had adopted the cause of the olympian deities . 在克洛诺斯反对朱庇特的斗争中,普罗米修斯站到了奥林波斯山诸神的一边。
In the seventeenth century a certain davide fabricius boasted of having seen with his own eyes the inhabitants of the moon . 在十七世纪,一个叫做大卫法布里修斯的人吹嘘,说他亲眼看见过月球上的居民。
Supplement to the proof of the clausius inequality 克劳修斯不等式证明的一点补充
( charles on voicemail ) hello , this is charles matthews 喂,我是查尔斯?马修斯