- 保 defend; protect
- 内陆水域 inland waters
- 内陆水域 inland waters; inner waters; internal waters; land lock water; land-locked waters
- 内陆水域组别 inland water grouping
- 内陆水域引水图 pilot chart of inland waterway
- 内陆水域的环境无害管理 eminwa
- 内陆水域环境管理方案 environmental management of inland waters programme
- 内陆水 inland water; internal water
- 内陆水道 inland watercourse; inland waterways; interior waterway; intracoastal waterway; waterway, interior
- 内陆水道科 inland waterways section
- 内陆水环境 inland water environment
- 内陆水路 inland waterway
- 内陆水系 endoreic drainage; endorheic draingae; endorheism; inland drainage(interior drainage); inland waters; inlanddrainage; interior drainage(inland drainage); internal drainage pattern
- 内陆水运 inland water borne transport
- 内陆水道网络 inland waterway network
- 内陆水道避碰规则 rules of road for inland waters
- 内陆水道助航标志 inland waterway navigation aids
- 内陆水上运输保险 inland marine insurance
- 内陆水系;内部排水 interior drainage
- 欧洲内陆水道规则 european code for inland waterways
- 中央内陆水运公司 central inland water transport corp
- 保内 honai; paone
- 内陆水道航行及领航 inland waterway navigation and pilotage
- 内陆水道网络内河航道网 inland waterway network
- 内陆水上货物运输公约 convention on the carriage of goods by inland waterways