保健 health protection; health care 妇幼保健 maternal and child hygiene; mother and child care; 保健按摩 keep-fit massage; therapeutic massage; 保健班 keep-fit class; 保健操 setting-up exercises; health exercises; 保健产品 health products; 保健措施 health protection measures; 保健法 hygiene; 保健费 health subsidies; health fee; 保健护士 health nurse; 保健机构 health institution; 保健机理 hygiogensis; 保健建筑 health building; 保健灸 healthful moxibustion; 保健食品 health food; protective foods; 保健事业 public health work; 保健所 clinic; 保健网 health care network; 保健物理学 health physics; 保健箱 medical kit; 保健因素 hygienic factor; 保健员 health worker; 保健站 health station; health center; 保健专家 sanitarian; 保健装置 protection device; 保健组织 health (care) organization
Analysis on outpatient responsiveness of three - tier medical and preventive network in rural area of weihai city 农村三级医疗预防保健网门诊反应性分析
The talent bank of the medical and health service website releases talent exchange information on internet hence bridges the job seeker and job vacancies easily 医疗保健网医学人才库利用互联网发布人才交流信息,在招聘单位与求职者之间建立起高效便捷的沟通桥梁。
By the end of 1992 , china had 346 maternity and children ' s health care centers , 2 , 841 clinics and 34 pediatric hospitals , initially forming a national health network for women and children 到1992年底,中国已有妇幼保健院346所,妇幼保健所2841所,儿童医院34所,初步形成了覆盖全国城乡的妇幼保健网。
China has fully used the urban - rural three - level network of health services to develop community rehabilitation , helping most disabled children in grassroots areas enjoy basic rehabilitation services 中国利用城乡三级医疗预防保健网开展社区康复,使城乡基层的大多数残疾儿童能够享有基本的康复服务。
The people ' s government and departments concerned at various levels should organize and guide urban and rural community service networks , medical preventionnd health care networks , organizations and families of disabled persons and other social forces in carrying out community - based rehabilitation work 各级人民政府和有关部门,应当组织和指导城乡社区服务网、医疗预防保健网、残疾人组织、残疾人家庭和其他社会力量,开展社区康复工作。
In order to realize the global strategic target whereby everybody would enjoy health care by the year 2000 , a maternity and child hygiene service system commensurate with its national conditions has been established in china and a three - level network of medical treatment , prevention and health care has been developed in its rural and urban areas , providing health care and planned immunity services for children 中国已建立了符合国情的妇幼卫生服务体系,为实现“ 2000年人人享有卫生保奖的全球战略目标,遍布于城乡的三级医疗预防保健网,向广大儿童提供卫生保健和计划免疫服务。
But in 1998 , there were 514 maternity and child care hospitals and hospitals for gynecology and obstetrics , with 87 , 000 beds and 82 , 000 medical personnel , and 2 , 724 health care centers for women and children , with 88 , 000 medical personnel . a national health care network for women and children has been initially formed 1998年,全国已有妇幼保健院和妇产医院514个,医院床位8 . 7万张,各类卫生人员8 . 2万人;妇幼保健所2724个,各类卫生人员8 . 8万人,基本上形成了遍布全国的妇幼保健网。