名词 (古代殉葬的偶像) wooden or earthen human figure buried with the dead in ancient times; tomb figure; figurine 短语和例子
木[陶] 俑 wooden [pottery] figurine; 武士俑 warrior figure; 兵马俑 wood or clay figures of warriors and horses buried with the dead
俟 俟动词[书面语] (等待) wait 俟机进攻 wait for an opportunity to attack; 一俟准备就绪, 即行公开展出。 the exhibition will be opened as soon as everything is in order.俜 动词[书面语] (放任) let alone俟承诺并通知首席保险人后生效 s/a l/u俣俣 [书面语] big and tall俟承诺后生效 subject to acceptance {= s/a俣住 matazumi俟河之清 wait till the yellow river runs clear water; once in a blue moon; wait for the millennium俣仲 matanaka俟机 wait for an opportunity; watch for one's chance俣只 matatada
The emperor had these clay figures made instead of burying slave-workers alive as immolation . 秦始皇用泥塑造了这批俑 ,没有活埋奴隶作为殉葬。 Several pottery figurines unearthed in jiyuan , henan province 河南济源出土的几件釉陶俑 Pair of painted pottery female figures on horsebacks 彩绘陶女骑马俑 一对 A pair of copier figures from jin dynasty replica 晋代对书俑 (复制品) That freddy was the one pulling the strings 弗雷迪是那个始做俑 者 That freddy was the one pulling the strings 弗雷迪是那个始做俑 者 More likely the way of the carvings than western carvings 有秦俑、汉俑 身手同体的接合法,不同于西洋雕塑。 Pair of pottery lokapala tang dynasty 彩绘天王俑 唐 Unearthed of the horse figurines and the people ' s life in the tang dynasty 从西安地区出土的马俑 看唐人社会生活 The first three rows consist of warriors clad in war robes facing the east 前廊站立着三排面向东的战袍武士俑 。
俑的法语 :名 mannequin de bois qu'on enterrait avec un mort;figurine enterrée avec un mort兵马~statues de guerriers et chevaux en terre cuite du tombeau de l'empereur shi huangdi des qin俑的日语 :俑yǒng 俑[よう].古代,副葬品として用いた土偶,土人形. 陶 táo 俑/陶器の人形. 女俑/女性の土偶. 兵马俑/兵士や馬の土偶.兵馬俑. 【成語】始作俑者俑的韩语 :[명사] 고대(古代), 순장(殉葬)할 때 사용된 흙이나 나무로 만든 인형(人形). 泥俑; 진흙으로 만든 인형 武士俑; 무사 인형俑的俄语 :pinyin:yǒng сущ. pum. деревянные (керамические) погребальные статуэтки俑什么意思 :yǒng ㄩㄥˇ 1)古代殡葬用的木制或陶制的偶人:木~。陶~。女~。兵马~。 ·参考词汇: tomb figure 泥俑 兵马俑 作俑 始作俑者