- 侧 slant; sloping
- 行 go
- 并 combine; merge; incorporate; ...
- 退步 lag behind; fall behind; ret ...
- 并退步 fallaway position
- 倒步,并退步 fallaway
- 侧行并步 closed promenade; promenade close
- 抛开式并退步 fallaway throwaway
- 卷曲转步接并退步 curl into fallaway
- 卷曲转步至并退步 curl to fallaway
- 加强转度抛开式并退步 fallaway throwaway overturned
- 退步 1.(落后)lag behind; fall behind; retrogress 他思想退步了。 he has slipped back ideologically. 他功课退步了。he's lagged behind in his studies.2.(后步) room for manoeuvre; leeway 留个退步 leave some room for manoeuvre; leave some leeway
- 侧行 skidding
- 侧退步 cort'e
- 后退步 back step
- 退步的 degenerate; degenerative; retrograde; retrogressive
- 退步相 declining phase
- 侧行步 back open promenade; open promenade
- 并行并联 paralleling
- 同行并装 co-load
- 右行并合步 chasse to right
- 执行并发 execution concurrence
- 执行并行 execution concurrence
- 左行并合步 chasse to left; 左行追步
- 保存并退出 save &exit