- 侧 slant; sloping
- 峡谷 gorge; canyon; water gap; gu ...
- 峡谷 gorge; canyon; water gap; gulch; trench; glack; slap; chasm; kloop; [法国] couloir; pongo; poort; clough, claugh; clech, cleugh; barranca,barranco; [南非] donga; glen; quebrada (美国西南部); [阿拉伯] kheneg; [印度] khud; [北非] khor; combe, coombe, coom, coomb; [英方]goyle; flume 大峡谷国家公园 [美国] grand canyon; 悬崖峭壁之间的峡谷 a gorge between precipices; 那条大路穿过峡谷。 the main road goes through the mountain gap
- 冰峡谷 donga
- 大峡谷 dsd (tide in grand canyon); grand ganyon; the grand canyon; the great canyon; the great valley; the missouri breaks
- 沟峡谷 ravine
- 海峡、峡谷 pertuis
- 梦峡谷 dream canyon
- 山口、峡谷 collado
- 深谷,峡谷 gulch
- 深峡谷 barrage; barranco; couloirs
- 吞咽,峡谷 qorge
- 雾峡谷 firemyst gully
- 峡;峡谷 gorge
- 峡谷、山涧 schlucht
- 峡谷坝 gorge dam; valley dam
- 峡谷边 valley side
- 峡谷簿 canyon virus
- 峡谷城 canyon city
- 峡谷村 canyon village
- 峡谷地 canyonlands
- 峡谷风 canyon wind; gorge wind; ravine wind
- 峡谷流 canyon current
- 峡谷美 cajon
- 峡谷鸟 canyon bird