

  • [军事] rear flank; rear of flank



  • 例句与用法
  • Grand battement en croix
  • This case report described the treatment for a 23 year - old female class patient with mandibular asymmetry , uni - lateral posterior crossbite and severe crowding in both jaws
  • At the pirouette ( half - pirouette ) the forefeet and the outside hind foot move round the inside hind foot , which forms the pivot and should return to the same spot , or slightly in front of it , each time it leaves the ground
  • In our third counter - campaign , although the storm was breaking all around us and we had made a detour of a thousand li , and although the enemy had discovered our plan to outflank him , we nevertheless exercised patience , turned back , changed our tactics to a breakthrough in the centre , and finally fought the first battle successfully at lientang
  • Construction of flat tunnel of large span at extra - shallow depth must be conducted on the principle that advance grouting should be strictly performed before excavation and length of pull at one time should be short , together with reinforced support , immediate closing and constant monitoring and surveying . that preceding pilot tunnels , large - volume excavation divided into small ones , excavation of flank before that of center , upper before lower , arch before wall etc is a good method which could effectively reduce surface subsidence and its adverse effect on adjacent buildings , in addition , some other measures are also taken to lessen blast - induced vibration in the ground and surrounding structures . in a word , all means and steps mentioned above have already proved effective and practicable in practice
    软弱大跨超浅埋扁平隧道必须按“管超前,严注浆,多分部、短开挖、强支护、快封闭,勤量测”的施工原则进行施工,采用“眼镜超前,化大为小,先侧后中,先上后下,先拱后墙”的施工方法控制地表沉降和对周边建筑物的影响;采用“多分部,化大为小,短进尺,密布眼,弱装药,设减振槽” ,控制爆破振动,经过实践证明,这些方法都是行之有效的。
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