供电 supply electricity; power supply; current supply; feed; feeding; supply 什么时候向远处的农场供电? when is power going to be supplied to the distant farms?; 供电变压器 supply transformer; 供电电缆 service cable; 供电电压 power supply voltage; service voltage; 供电调度员 load dispatcher; 供电段 power-feed section; 供电干线 main-supply; 供电继电器 supply relay; 供电局 administration of power supply; power supply bureau; 供电区 service area; 供电设备 power supply unit; 供电损耗 current supply loss; 供电损失 loss of supply; 供电所 administration of power supply; 供电系统 power-supply system; feed system; 供电线路 charging line; 供电业务 power service; 供电站 supply station; 供电中心 center of supply; 供电装置 electric supply installation
邮电部 ministry of post &tele -communication; ministry of posts and tele communication; the ministry of posts and telecommunications; the ministry post and telecommunication
An interpretation and analysis of quot; traction power supply quot; in interim design provisions for a new mixed passenger and freight railway 新建客货共线设计暂规牵引供电部分解析