- 供水 water supply; water delivery ...
- 小船 boat; wallnut shell; tender; ...
- 小船 boat; wallnut shell; tender; dinghy 小船跑顺风 like a boat sailing with the wind
- 供水 water supply; water delivery; water◇供水船 water boat; waterbark; 供水工 waterman; 供水管 feed pipe; water service; 供水管线 hydraulic supply line; 供水器 water-feed(er); 供水区 contributory zone; 供水站 water stop; tank station
- 出水小孔 excurrent ostium
- 淡水小龙虾 crawdadcrawfishh
- 漏水小便 make water
- 排水小河 drainage stream
- 瓶装水小组 bottled water cell
- 潜水小刀 dive knife
- 水小行星 vulcanoid asteroid
- 通水小孔 limber
- 无水小便斗 waterless urinals
- 喜水小核菌 sclerotium hydrophilum
- 香水小套装 invent your scent collection pack
- 香水小贴士 perfume tips
- 鱼大水小 a big fish in shallow water -- a ponderous apparatus without sufficient resources for maintenance
- 阻水小坝 astyllen
- 乘小船 in a boat
- 船长(小船) skipper
- 划小船 paddle a canoe; rom your boat; row row row your boat; row your boat
- 小船厂 boatyard
- 小船队 flotilla
- 小船港 boat harbor; boat harbour; small craft harbor
- 小船津 kofunatsu; ofunatsu