- that brings me to my knees
- 使 send; tell sb. to do sth.
- 我 I; my; me
- 颔首 nod
- 屈膝 go down on one's knees; bend ...
- 俯首屈膝 kneel down humbly
- 颔首 [书面语] nod 颔首会意 nod one's comprehension; 颔首示意 give a nod as a signal; 颔首微笑 nod smilingly; 颔首之交 a nodding acquaintance
- 屈膝 go down on one's knees; bend one's knees; give in; knuckle down; succumb 行屈膝礼 dip a courtesy; 使某人屈膝 bring a person to his knees; 屈膝跪着 on bent knees; 屈膝谈心 have a heart-to-heart talk with knees together
- 招呼颔首 recognition
- 颔首会意 nod one's comprehension
- 颔首示意 give a nod as a signal
- 颔首微笑 nod smilingly
- 颔首之交 a nodding acquaintance
- 首屈一指 come first on the list; bear [carry off; take] the palm; be matchless; be second to none; come out first 请尝一尝这种烟叶, 你一定会说它是首屈一指的。 try some of this tobacco. you'll say it's second to none. 在粮食产量上, 中国首屈一指。 in the output of grain, china is second to none
- 屈膝礼 curtsey; curtsy
- 屈膝姿 kneeling
- 深屈膝 deep knee bends
- 甘受, 对俯首屈服 take...lying down
- 效率首屈一指 second to none in efficiency
- 卑躬屈膝 bow and scrape cringe; grovel
- 卑躬屈膝的 hangdog
- 卑躬屈膝者 groveler
- 女子,屈膝礼 curtsey
- 屈膝跪着 on bent knees
- 屈膝海豚 dolphin bent knee
- 屈膝举踵 plié-relevé position