Analysis on accidental injuries based on hospitalized children from 1996 to 2000年住院儿童意外损伤的调查分析
Words like hurts , stinging , soreness , suicide , dizziness , crying , throw out , uncomfortable , bloatedness were consistently used by children who rated their pain intensity as 4 or higher on the pain scale 住院儿童常合并多种的不适经验,多数会主诉三种不适的现象,且使用描述疼痛的字言多达57种,但常被使用的是痛、针刺感、酸痛、及胀痛。
Fifty - seven hospitalized children over the age of six were given crayons and asked to point out the location of their pain , current or past , on a figure of the human body in order to discover the location of the pain and its intensity 研究目的为了?解住院儿童的疼痛经验、感受、及其处理方法,请6岁以上的住院儿童57名画一张图表达他们“疼痛的情形、疼痛的感觉或疼痛所想到的” 、和“疼痛时所想要做的事是? ”