- housing and national territorial management minister
- minister of housing and national territorial management
- 住房 housing; lodgings
- 和 mix; blend
- 全国 nationwide; countrywide; the ...
- 领土 territory; domain
- 整治 renovate; repair; dredge
- 大臣 minister; secretary
- 领土整治补贴 development grant
- 策划和领土整治部长 planning and territorial management minister
- 计划和领土整治部长 minister of planning and territorial management; planning and territorial management minister
- 负责计划和领土整治的国务部长 minister of state for plan and territories management; ministre d'etat charge du plan et de l'amenagement du territorie; ministre d'etat, charge du plan et de l'amenagement du territorie; state for plan and territories management ministry
- 公共工程和领土整治国务秘书 secretary of state for public works and territorial management
- 公共工程和领土整治国务委员 commissioner of state for public works and territorial management
- 建筑和全国住房部长 construction and national housing minister; minister of construction and national housing
- 国土整治 territorial management
- 全国国土整治和开发委员会 national council of terriory planning and development
- 敌国领土 enemy territory
- 自治大臣 home affairs minister; minister of home affairs
- 内政家庭社会住房和社会团结大臣 minister of the interior family social housing and social solidarity
- 住房和建筑 shelter and construction
- 霸占别国领土 forcibly occupy the territory of another country
- 并吞别国领土 annex the territory of another state
- 瓜分别国领土 carve up the territory of another country
- 侵吞别国领土 annex another country's territory
- 侵吞邻国领土 annex neighbouring country
- 侵占别国领土 invade and occupy another country's territory