- 住宅 house; residence; dwelling; ...
- 产业 estate; property industrial
- 协议 agree on
- 会 compute
- 日中建筑住宅产业协议会 japan china council of building and housing; japan-china council of building and housing; japan_china council of building and housing
- 住宅产业 housing industry
- 东芝住宅产业公司 toshiba house & living industry co. ltd
- 安宅产业公司 ataka & co. ltd
- 协议会 conference; consultation
- 产业协会 industrial association
- 铅产业协会 lead industries association
- 就业协议 employment agreement
- 农业协议 agreement on agriculture
- 技术协议会 opos-j
- 劳资协议会 works council
- 运价协议会 shipping conference
- 弹簧产业协会 spring manufacturers institute (e-mail only)
- 电信产业协会 telecommunications industries association (tia)
- 电子产业协会 american electronics association
- 阀门产业协会 valve manufacturers association of america
- 钢罐产业协会 steel tank institute
- 钢铁产业协会 american iron and steel institute; steel manufacturers association
- 化工产业协会 chemical manufacturers association
- 南珠产业协会 pearl industry association
- 石油产业协会 american petroleum institute