冰点 freezing point; ice point; f ...的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...冰点的测定 freezing test于冰 yu bing低于凝点的温度 subfreezing temperature冰点 [物理学] freezing point; ice point; [物理化学] freezing temperature◇冰点测定法 algoscopy; cryoscopy (溶液); kryoscopy低于起薪点的适当薪点 appropriate point below the minimum of the pay scale低于 be lower than; bv wordperfect for win; bvwordperfect for win; put under; tj36-79; to fall below; underlie点的 punctual冰点法 cryoscopic method; cryoscopy; freezing point method; freezing-point method冰点下 cold冰点线 freezing point line; freezing-point line恒冰点 constant freezing point真冰点 true freezing point斯克里迪莱于冰川 skridulaupbre测冰点法;冰点测定器 cryoscope; cryoscopy不低于 no less favourable than低于1 subvolt低于7 c/n低于…的 innocent of低于零 below zero低于十 are trading at less than times price-to-earnings (pe) ratio高过,低于 over,under或低于 psl远低于 far below
Musicians who were used to stowing their stradivarius in the cabin fear that irreplaceable instruments will be smashed by a careless baggage handler or wrecked by freezing temperatures in the hold 过去习惯把史特拉第瓦里名琴直接带上客舱的音乐家,现在都很担心这些无法取代的乐器会被粗心的行李运送工砸坏,或因货舱里低于冰点的 温度而受损。