The jet impacts the companion galaxy at its edge and is then disrupted and deflected , much like how a stream of water from a hose will splay out after hitting a wall at an angle 喷流与伴星系的边缘处发生碰撞,然后被打乱并反射,非常类似与从水管中喷出的水流从一定角度击中一面墙壁产生的效果。
This " death star galaxy " will produce large amounts of high - energy radiation , which may cause severe damage to the atmospheres of any planets in the companion galaxy that lie in the path of the jet 这个“死星星系”会产生大量的高能辐射,如果伴星系中有行星在喷流的路径上的话会遭到致命的破坏。
Since the chandra data shows that particle acceleration is still occurring in this hotspot , the jet must have struck the companion galaxy relatively recently , less than about a million years ago ( i . e . less than the light travel time to the hotspot ) 钱德拉的数据显示热点中的物质仍在被加速,因此喷流撞击伴星系的事件应该发生在不久前,大约不到100万年(少于光线运行到热点的时间) 。
X - rays from chandra ( colored purple ) , optical and ultraviolet ( uv ) data from hubble ( red and orange ) , and radio emission from the very large array ( vla ) and merlin ( blue ) show how the jet from the main galaxy on the lower left is striking its companion galaxy to the upper right 钱德拉(紫色部分)的x射线,哈勃(红色和橙色部分)的光学和紫外线,以及vla和merlin射电图像显示在图左下方的主星系发出的喷流正击中乐在右上方的伴星系。