

音标:[ chuánjiàoshī ]   发音:
  • missionary
  • pulpiteer



  • 例句与用法
  • White missionary too salty . like pickled pork
  • Your uncle harvey s a preacher , ain t he
  • Rot him , i forgot he was a preacher
  • Very well , then ; is a preacher going to deceive a steamboat clerk
  • Then i says : " blame it , do you suppose there ain t but one preacher to a church ?
    随后我说: “真该死,你以为一个教会只有一个传教师么? ”
  • " preacher be hanged , he s a fraud and a liar . he was up at the pint that mornin
  • Several of them jumped for him and begged him not to talk that way to an old man and a preacher
  • So the king went all through the crowd with his hat swabbing his eyes , and blessing the people and praising them and thanking them for being so good to the poor pirates away off there ; and every little while the prettiest kind of girls , with the tears running down their cheeks , would up and ask him would he let them kiss him for to remember him by ; and he always done it ; and some of them he hugged and kissed as many as five or six times - and he was invited to stay a week ; and everybody wanted him to live in their houses , and said they d think it was an honor ; but he said as this was the last day of the camp - meeting he couldn t do no good , and besides he was in a sweat to get to the indian ocean right off and go to work on the pirates
    干这样的一件事,他能比任何人做得更好,因为他和纵横印度洋上的海盗全都非常熟悉。尽管他远途前往,要花很多时间,加上自己又身无分文,他反正要到达那里的。他要不放过每一个机会,对被他劝说悔改过来的每一个海盗说, “你们不必感谢我,你们不用把功劳记在我的名下,一切功劳归于朴克维尔露营布道会的亲人们,人类中天生的兄弟和恩人们还应归功于那里亲爱的传教师,一个海盗们最最真诚的朋友! ”
  • 其他语种释义
  • 传教师的日语:chuan2jiao4shi4 宣教师
  • 传教师的俄语:pinyin:chuánjiàoshī проповедник, миссионер
  • 传教师什么意思:即传教士。    ▶ 魏琴 《关税会议与司法调查》: “他们更不能为‘尊重 中国 的人权起见’, 停止派遣 美国 的传教师到 中国 来。”
  • 推荐英语阅读
传教师的英文翻译,传教师英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译传教师,传教师的英文意思,傳教師的英文传教师 meaning in English傳教師的英文传教师怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
