Jscript stores data either by value or by reference 传值方式和传址方式jscript以“
Jscript can compare data either by value or by reference Jscript可以按传值方式或传址方式比较数据。
Objects , the strings are compared by reference ; otherwise , they are compared by value 对象,则以传址方式比较字符串;否则以传值方式比较。
That stop targets are to exit with a zero exit code 0 if the service is already stopped 说,如果尝试关闭一个已经停止的服务,会得到回传值0 。 bert schubert则是
Strings may be compared by value or by reference , depending on whether or not the strings are objects 根据字符串是对象与否,可以按传值方式或传址方式比较字符串。
Analyzing and verifying value - passing concurrent systems is a new research area in model - checking 对于并发传值系统的自动分析与验证是模型检测研究的一个新的方向。
If one or both of the strings is a literal or primitive string value , they are compared by value 如果其中一个(或两个)字符串是常值或基元字符串值,则以传值方式对它们进行比较。
To perform a test by value , jscript compares two distinct items to determine whether they are equal to each other 若要以传值方式执行测试, jscript比较两个截然不同的项以确定它们是否相等。
What is the difference between a reference and a regular variable ? how do you pass by reference & why would you want to 引用变量与普通变量之间有何区别?如何通过引用传值?在什么情况下会这样做?
Illustrates the difference between storing data by reference or by value and how these alternatives depend on the type of data 阐释以传址方式和传值方式存储数据的区别,以及这两个替换选项与数据类型的关系。