- conference and language support section
- 和 mix; blend
- 语文 Chinese language language an ...
- 支 branch; offshoot
- 助 help; assist; aid; support
- 科 a branch of academic or voca ...
- 会议和语文支助事务科 conference and language support services section
- 会议和语文事务 conference and language services
- 语文支助股 linguistic support unit
- 广播和会议支助科 broadcast and conference support section
- 方案支助科 pses
- 分庭支助科 chambers support section
- 环境支助科 environment support section
- 系统支助科 systems support section
- 项目支助科 project support section
- 业务支助科 operations support section
- 一般支助科 general support section
- 征聘支助科 recruitment support section
- 主管会议和支助事务助理秘书长 assistant secretary-general for conference and support services
- 法律界支助科 legal community support section
- 监察员支助科 ombudsman support section
- 编辑和语文处 editorial and language service; editorialandlanguageservice
- 会议和面谈 meetings and interviews
- 保护训练和支助科 section d'appui et de formation a la protection
- 辩护律师支助科 defence council support section
- 电子事务支助科 electronic services support section
- 会议和语文支助科的法语:section des conférences et de l’appui linguistique
- 会议和语文支助科的俄语:секция конференционного и лингвистического обслуживания