- 优质 high quality; high grade
- 棉 a general term for cotton an ...
- 细布 percale; fine cloth; lawn
- 优质棉 quality cotton
- 人造棉细布 staple fibre muslin
- 涤棉细布坯布 polyester-cotton cambric grey fabric
- 漂布涤棉细布 bleached trueran-cotton shirting
- 全棉细布长裤 cotton calico trousers
- 全棉细布衬衫 cotton poplin shirt
- 染色涤棉细布 dyed trueran-cotton shirting
- 印度优质细布 dopata
- 最优质达卡细布 mulmulkhas
- 瓦尔德马优质棉绒布 waldemar
- 改质棉 modified cotton
- 优质 high quality; high grade 优质产品 products of quality; high-quality goods; quality product; 优质服务 first-rate service; first class of service; 优质率 factor of merit
- 坚质棉布 ticking
- 矿质棉毡 mineral felt
- 劣质棉布 surat
- 纤维质棉纸 cellulose tissue
- 棉细绒手套 cotton fleecy gloves
- 棉细绒童衫 cotton fleecy shirt for teenagers
- 棉细纱机 cotton ring spinning frame; cotton spinning frames; spinning frames
- 石棉细绳 asbestos cord; asbestos insulation cord; asbestos string
- 石棉细丝 amianthus; amiantus
- 白细布 long cloth; madam