优秀的人或物 person or thing regarded as excellent of his/its kind and worth imitating
He is generally regarded as one of the best writers in the country 人们普遍认为他是该国最优秀的作家之一。
She is generally regarded as one of the best writers in the country 人们普遍认为她是该国最优秀的作家之一。
After that , mary is continuouly is to do a good and outstanding writer 这之后,玛丽是不断地做一个良好和优秀的作家。
I think she ' s very beautiful . and she ' s a fantastic writer , you know 我认为她非常漂亮而且是个非常优秀的作家,你知道么?
Over the years practice have helped me hone my skill and develop into a better writer 近几年来,实践帮助我提高了自己的技能,使我成为一名更加优秀的作家
Francis is a good storyteller and an extremely good writer , and he encouraged me to start writing 福朗西斯是一个很擅长说故事的人,也是一个极其优秀的作家,他鼓励我开始写作。
" a good writer can earn good money , ' the man replied in all seriousness . " above all if he works for the government . “优秀的作家能挣大钱。 ”那人正色道。 “前提是他为政府工作。 ”
( the most essential gift for a good writer is a built - in , shockproof shit detector . this is the writer ' s radar and all great writers have had it 作为一个优秀的作家最不可缺少的天赋,就是一架内设、防震的废料侦测器。这是作家的雷达,举凡大作家无不身怀此物。
Good writers are not only the privileged few who read nothing but tolstoy and sit on specially designed chairs in front of rolltop desks with pigeon holes and inkwells 优秀的作家并不仅仅只是那些坐在拥有羽毛笔孔以及墨水池的拉盖书桌前的特制椅子上,除了阅读托尔斯泰的作品以外对任何事情都不感兴趣的那些享有特权的少数人