优先 take precedence; have priority; prior; underlying; preferential; senior 优先发展重工业 give priority to the development of heavy industry; give exclusive priority to heavy industry; 优先进口先进技术 receiving priority in importing advanced technology; 必须优先考虑的一个问题 a question which claims precedence over all others; a first [top] priority; 优先偿付 preferential payments; 优先抵押 underlying mortgage; 优先分配资产权 preference as to assets; 优先服务 priority service; 优先购股权 preemptive right; 优先购买权 the right of preemption; 优先技术 precedence technique; 优先开发地区 priority development region; 优先开工率 preferred operating rate; 优先普通股票 preferred ordinary share; 优先契约 underlying bond; 优先通货 prefered currency; 优先续雇 preferential rehiring; 优先选购 have priority in making selective purchase for; 优先债务 preferred debt
分测验预先等化 section pre equating; section preequatingg
1 adjective law is regarding as the main content of bankruptcy reorganization institution , the core of bankruptcy reorganization institution is the bankruptcy reorganization procedure formed from a series of procedural rules . the bankruptcy reorganization procedure has the characters of loose conditions , specifically objects , diversiform participants , diversiform measures and procedural priority 一、破产重整制度以程序法为主要内容,其核心就是由一系列程序性规则构成的破产重整程序,破产重整程序具有条件宽松、对象特定、主体多元、措施多样、程序优先等特征。
According to stratum characteristics , an improved algorithm based on tri - prism model is put forward , in which methods such as core - sequence first are used in process of modeling and the pinch out of stratum is achieved with the insertion of virtual - borehole based on these , simulation of complex overturned stratum is well realized without manual operation 针对地质体的特点,提出一种三棱柱模型的改进算法,将核心序列优先等方法运用于建模过程,同时运用虚拟钻孔柱的方法处理尖灭,在无需人工干预的情况下较好地实现了对复杂地层倒转现象的模拟。