- fallowed and nonfallowed land
- 休耕 fallow; lie fallow
- 与 take part in; participate in
- 不休 endlessly; ceaselessly
- 耕地 plough; till
- 休耕地 fallow ground; fallow land; fallowed land; idle land
- 极好休耕地 rare fallow
- 全休耕地 clean fallow
- 休耕 fallow; lie fallow 休耕地 fallow ground; 休耕制 fallow system
- 栽种绿肥的休耕地 green fallow
- 〔美国〕联邦休耕地补助制。 soil bank
- 干休耕 dry fallow; dryfallow
- 休耕的 fallow
- 休耕制 fallow system
- 冬季休耕 winter fallow
- 灌丛休耕法 bush fallowing; bushfallowing
- 土地休耕 fallow soil; fallowing of soil; land resting; land retirement
- 土壤的休耕 fallow of soil; fallowing of soil
- 休耕时间 fallow time; fallowtime
- 休耕水田 fallow paddy field
- 休耕之地 fallow
- 不休 (不停止) endlessly; ceaselessly 争论不休 argue endlessly; keep on arguing
- 耕地 1.(用犁把土翻松) plough; till 耕地以种豆 till the land for the bean crop2.(种植农作物的土地) cultivated land [fields]; farmland; tilth; plough land; field land; cultivation land 可耕地 arable land; 未耕地 uncultivated land; 休耕地 fallow land; 耕地面积 area under cultivation; cultivated area; 50英亩耕地 fifty acres of plow
- 与不和 be at outs
- 与不同 unlike
- 不休息 no play