- 任 appoint
- 颐 cheek
- 任以奇 ren yiqi
- 任一向通信 either-way communication
- 任意 wantonly; arbitrarily; wilfully; just as one wishes; at will 任意捏造事实 indulge in pure fabrication; 任意摆布 order sb. about at will; get sb. by the short hairs; have sb. under one's thumb; turn [twist; wind; wrap] sb. round one's little finger; 任意诬蔑 wantonly vilify; 任意编造 arbitrarily invent; 任意歪曲历史 wilful distortion of history; 任意打击 wilfully attack; attack others as one pleases; 任意欺侮 bully others at will; 任意通行 free traffic; 任意涨价 raise prices arbitrarily; 任意常数 [数学] arbitrary constant; 任意单位 arbitrary unit; 任意港 optional port; 任意加税 slap additional taxes on; 任意条款 optional clause; permissive provision; 任意型号 disposable type; 任意仲裁 voluntary arbitration
- 任一向操作, 半双工操作 either-way operation
- 任意,随便 at random
- 任一损失 any one loss
- 任意,随心所欲。 at will
- 任一事件 any one event
- 任意,随意 at will
- 任一事故 any one accident
- 任颐什么意思:任颐 基本解释:任颐(1840-1895) : 清代画家。初名润,字小楼,后改字伯年,山阴(今浙江绍兴)人。中年后寓居上海卖画为生。作画吸收西洋技法,敢于创新。肖像画摄取神情动态。花鸟画技法运用自如。亦工山水。用笔讲究悬腕中锋。为海上画派代表人物。