live at sb.'s mercy; be at sb.'s beck and call; be slavishly dependent on others; curry to sb.'s every whim; depend on another's whims and pleasures; depend on others for a living; depend [rely] on other people; depend upon another's pleasure; depend upon [on] others; led by the nose; rely on others for a living; having to watch their every expression and desire; under sb.'s thumb
鼻息 breath; stertor 听见均匀的鼻息声 hear sb.'s regular and even breathing; 仰人鼻息 be slavishly dependent on others; depend upon another's pleasure; 鼻息如雷 snore like thunder
马仰人翻 the rider falls as the horse rears in fright.; men and horses thrown off their feet; there is a panic.; turned upside-down; utterly defeated in battle
She seemed averse to being under pecuniary obligations . 她似乎不愿在经济上仰人鼻息。
The majority of the people, if it looks back at all, sees, on the contrary, a childhood of darkness, hunger and dependence . 相反,大多数人民看到的却是黑暗,饥饿,仰人鼻息的不堪回首的童年。
With the tables turned , she was looking down , rather than up , to her lover 她和情人的关系完全颠倒过来了,现在轮到她俯允施惠,不再仰人鼻息了。
The final end of the state consists not in dominating over men , restraining them by fear , subjecting them to the will of others 政府的终极目标并非将人民圈禁并以武力恫吓束缚,从而使他们仰人鼻息而苟活。
America will not pretend that jailed dissidents prefer their chains , or that women welcome humiliation and servitude , or that any human being aspires to live at the mercy of bullies 美国不会装模作样地默认被关押的异议者自我选择了枷锁,也不会默认妇女成为可耻的代名词,看着她们变成奴仆,同样不会默认任何人类的一员仰人鼻息地生活。
仰人鼻息的法语:les yeux levés observer les moindres mouvements de la physionomie;dépendre entièrement de qn pour sa subsistance;être sous la coupe de qn;obéir à qn au doigt et à l'œil;se soumettre aux exigences de q...