不久 1.(在不远的将来) soon; before long; near future 水库不久就能完工。 the reservoir will soon be completed. 他不久就要出国去。 he'll go abroad very soon.2.(距离某件事情时间不远) soon after; shortly after; not long after 你刚走不久, 他就回来了。 he came back not long after you left. 种完树不久就下了一场雨。 it rained soon after we had planted the trees
By his own marriage, likewise, which happened soon afterwards, he added to his wealth . 同样,在这以后不久,由于他结婚,他又增加了一笔财富。
Soon thereafter , i left the big enterprise that i had worked in for years to start my own 那以后不久,我离开了工作数年的大企业去创建自己的公司。
Soon after he came to america he was working as a comedian and then as a film director 他来到美国以后不久,就当了一名喜剧演员,然后又成为了一名电影导演。
Soon thereafter , i left the big enterprise that i had worked in for years to start my own business 那以后不久,我离开了工作数年的大企业去创建自己的公司。
It was a little later that he followed up the attack with two short essays , " the wonder - dreamers " and " the yardstick of the ego . 以后不久他又写了两篇短文:奇迹梦想者和自我的尺度,继续进行攻击。
Very soon after that , the two other great assyrian cities were settled , ashur and arbel , although an exact date has yet to be determined 这之后不久(公元前500年以后不久) ,另外两个亚述的主要城市固定了。
Shortly after the third plenary session of the eleventh central committee , we began to stress the need to abolish the actual system of life tenure in leading party and government posts 十一届三中全会以后不久,我们就讲要废除党和国家领导职务实际上存在的终身制。
The hasty departure from london soon after the robbery ; the large sum carried by mr fogg ; his eagerness to reach distant countries ; the pretext of an eccentric and foolhardy bet , - all confirmed fix in his theory 盗窃案发生以后不久,仓促离开伦敦,带了这么一大笔钱,急急忙忙往远地跑,用这样奇怪的打赌作借口,这一切都证明费克斯的猜测是不错的。
The widow she found out where i was by and by , and she sent a man over to try to get hold of me ; but pap drove him off with the gun , and it warn t long after that till i was used to being where i was , and liked it - all but the cowhide part 再说那寡妇呢,后来她知道了我的下落,她派了一个男人来,想要找我回去,可是我爸爸拿出枪来,把他赶了回去。在这以后不久,我对这种生活也习惯了,也爱上了这样的生活,除了挨皮鞭子这当子事。
Some time after our rupture , you wished to study music , under the celebrated baritone who made such a successful appearance at the theatre italien ; at the same time i felt inclined to learn dancing of the danseuse who acquired such a reputation in london 我们分开以后不久,你忽然心血来潮,要那个在意大利戏院初次登台就一炮打响大红大紫起来的男中音歌手来指导你研究音乐,当时,我也正想和那个在英国非常著名的的女舞蹈家去学习跳舞。