瞬息万变 vary from minute to minute; changing all the time; fast changing; instantaneous changes; many changes within a short time; undergoing a myriad changes in the twinkling of an eye 外面世界是瞬息万变的。 the objective world is constantly changing. 股票市场瞬息万变。 there were so many unpredictable fluctuations on the stock exchange
万变不离其中 while the appearances may vary the essence remains unchanged
万变不离其宗 the methods used may vary, but the principle is the same.; change ten thousand times without departing from the original aim or stand; in none of his change has he departed from his stand; in various guises to serve the single purpose (of ...); no matter how many changes one has made, he has not departed from his line.; the central theme remains the same
2004 , 11 min experiments with the notion of how the film medium itself complicates the ability to truthfully deliver non - fiction films 带游戏成分演绎巴拉莫这义大利城市以不变应万变的百年历史,城市的诚意记录与实验。
Anatole was not quick - witted , he was not ready , not eloquent in conversation , but he had that faculty , so invaluable for social purposes , of composure and imperturbable assurance 阿纳托利在言谈方面并不机智,也不能言善辩,但是他倒具有交际场中认为可贵的那种泰然自若和以不变应万变的自信的本能。
Different from other moderate suggestion , this thesis brings forward a radical proposal that suggest to merge all state - owned commercial banks and construct chinese financial aircraft carrier 与各种“缝缝补补” 、 “以不变应万变”的温和建议不同的是,本文提出了一个略显“激进”的改革方案? ?四大国有商行并购,打造中国的金融航母。
The travellers gazed on this curious spectacle from the platforms ; but phileas fogg , who had the most reason of all to be in a hurry , remained in his seat , and waited philosophically until it should please the buffaloes to get out of the way 旅客们都跑到车桥上看这个奇怪的场面去了。但是斐利亚福克,这位本来应该比别人更着急的绅士却依然稳坐不动,用哲学家那种“以不变应万变”的精神等待野牛让路。
Rigid notions , out - of - order market , low efficiency and backward technology have greatly hindered the development of the chinese circulation channels . the 21st century provides both challenges and opportunities to the chinese circulation channels 本文的观点是,新世纪打造的是一批新型的中间商,他们通过有效地功能转换,将重新担负起新时期的渠道重任;真正灭亡的将是以不变应万变,不思进取的陈腐中间商。
In this paper , integral - software is seen as an idea , an unity in opposition of changing and unchanging ness . integral - software on the basis of deep rethinking of instructional courseware in our education field , succeeds critically our ancestry ' s philosophy of " facing various changing with unchanging ness " , puts forward on idea with chinese characters of new generation of mcai that is succession and development of instruction software ; development of technology makes it possible that biology teachers make instruction software with fle xible and individual characters . actively constructing biology instruction integral - software is a systemic project with design and choice of biology source material as core and key 本文认为积件是一种思想,是变与不变的辩证统一;积件是我国教育界在对教学课件深刻反思的基础上,批判地继承了我国先贤“以不变应万变”的哲学思想,提出的具有鲜明特色的新一代mcai教学软件建设思路,是对教学课件的继承和发展;技术的发展为生物学教师制作灵活的、个性化的教学软件提供了可能,积极建设生物学教学积件系统,为生物学教师提供丰富的素材有着深远的意义,生物学教学积件建设是一个系统工程,其核心和关?是生物学教学素材的设计与选择,应该从实用性和规范性两个方面综合考虑,尽快建立全国性的标准规范。
If any man displays almost the same character day in and day out , all day long , it ' s either because he has no imagination , like an actor who can play only one role , or because he has an imagination so comprehensive that he sees each particular situation of his life as an episode in some grand over - all plot , and can so distort the situations that the same type of hero can deal with them all 假如有人每天都展示相同的角色,那有时是因为他自己欠缺想像力,就像有的演员只能扮演一种角色,或是因为他的想像力太宏观超然,以致他把他一生中的纷纷扰扰,全都当著娑婆大千世界小插曲,全都转化成相同角色能够以不变应万变的方式处理之。