

  • agency department



  • 例句与用法
  • Wan hui da intellectual property - practices trademark department trademark dept
  • Custom ccic division
  • On december 1 , 2002 , the first day that the revised chinese trademark law was implemented , wan hui da , representing several clients , submitted the application for registration of 3d trademark , which was newly introduced by the law
  • The revised trademark law provides exhibition priority while the chinese trademark office provides no specific regulation and evaluation criterion for the exhibition priority , wan hui da , thanks to its better understanding to the legislation , submit the application for registration of trademark with the claim of exhibition priority in china . without any precedents , our attorney provided the client with detailed advices after the filing and actively communicated with the relevant officials , finally got the approval for the exhibition priority
  • Under the organizations are ten departments including administrative office , audit department 1 , audit department 2 , asset appraisal department 1 , asset appraisal department 2 , bookkeeping agency department , taxation agency department , marketing department , finance and tax consulting department and accounting training department , which provide customers with effective accounting agency services such as audit , capital verification , asset appraisal , finance and tax consulting , bookkeeping agency and taxation agency
  • This proof following enterprise already through the authentication , and has set up a file in the dongguan 114 nets industry and commerce enterprise database , inquires the more detailed enterprise material , please dial the dongguan enterprise information desk 96060 ( artificially ) 9686810114 billion ( to be automatic ) , this enterprise numbers for 16947
    兹证明东莞市附城速达货运代理部已通过认证,并已在东莞114网工商企业数据库中备案,查询更详细的企业资料,请拨东莞企业查询台96060 (人工) 9686810114 (自动) ,该企业编号为16947 。
  • By the end of 2003 , wan hui da has , representing both domestic and foreign clients , submitted over 10 applications for identification of well - known trademarks , including some world famous grands like gillette , michelin , loral , zippo , etc . in the processes , wan hui da attorneys made best solution of procedures in accordance with various situations of the cases , provided detailed guidelines for the clients to collect supporting evidence , and also put all the efforts in coordinating and communicating with the relevant authorities , in order to push the cases forward smoothly . gillette is in the first batch of well - known trademark identified
    自2003年6月1日颁布的驰名商标认定和保护规定生效以来,万慧达商标代理部即对这一课题进行了全面系统地研究,到2003年年底已为国内外客户代理了十余件涉及驰名商标认定的案件,如“吉列” , “米其林” , “欧莱雅” , “美宝莲” , “ zippo ” , “爱仕达” , “澳瑞特” , “哈啤”等等。
  • In march 2002 , wan hui da , assisting china trademark association , organized a seminar on the registration and protection of three - dimensional trademarks and color - combination trademarks , invited the legal experts in trademark law from the eu , france and china to make speeches . more than 180 people from the china trademark office , trademark review and adjudication board , the peoples courts and trademark agencies attended the seminar . this event played an important role in the understanding of the new themes of three - dimensional trademarks and color combination trademarks for the sectors involved in the trademarks
    万慧达商标代理部于2002年3月联系欧共体法国及国内的商标法律专家,组织了一次由中国商标局商标评审委员会人民法院各商标代理组织共一百八十余人参加的“立体商标及颜色组合商标注册与保护培训班” ,这对于中国商标各界了解“立体商标”及“颜色组合商标”这一新课题起到了重要作用。
  • The combination of induced joint , conventional joint and composite joint was introduced in joint design . seepage control structure with second grade concrete and geomembrane was applied and low temperature construction measures were taken at dam body . " rcc arch dam test of wenquanpu reservoir in hebei province " won the third state progress prize in science and technology and many other awards
    工程招标代理部,持有甲级工程招标代理资格证书,可承担各类土木工程、建筑工程、线路管道和设备安装工程及装修工程项目的勘察、设计、施工、监理以及工程建设有关的重要设备(进口机电设备除外) 、材料采购招标的代理。
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