- 仓库 storehouse; warehouse; depos ...
- 自动 voluntarily; of one's own ac ...
- 取 take; get; fetch
- 货机 air freighter; flying boxcar ...
- 水雷仓库自动检测装置 automatic test equipment of mine depot
- 程序库自动化 libraary automotion; libraaryautomotion; library automotion
- 自动取包机 automatic parcel delivery machines
- 自动取件器 automatic picker
- 自动取款 automatic teller machine
- 自动取款机 atm-automatic teller machine; automated teller machine, atm; automatic teller machine atm; cashomat; cashpoint
- 自动取平的 self-leveling
- 自动取消 automatic cancellation; robocancel
- 自动取样 automatic sampling
- 自动取样机 automatic sampler
- 自动取样器 auto sampler; automatic sampler; autosampler; self-actuated sampler
- 程序库自动更新 automatic library update
- 大纡库自动织机 automatic magazine loom; box loader loom
- 数据库自动查表 table look-up data-base automa-tic
- 数据库自动管理 automated date base management
- 自动售货机 auto-di e er; auto-dispenser; automatic vending machine; commercial machine; penny in the slot; penny-in-the-slot; selling machine; slot machine; slotmachine; vender; vending machines; vendor
- 自动取款机卡 cash card
- 自动取样设备 automatic sampling equipment
- 自动取样系统 automatic sampling system
- 自动取样装置 automatic sampling device
- 取货 take delivery of