从事 1.(投身到) go in for; devote oneself to; be engaged in; be busy with; busy sb. with; be occupied in [with]; occupy oneself with; be bound up in; be about; be concerned with; take part in; take up; go about; get busy; take to; take up with; work on; throw oneself into 从事科研工作 be engaged in scientific research; 从事戏剧活动 engage in dramatics; 他从事这本词典的编纂工作已达10年之久。 he has been engaged 10 years on the dictionary.2.(处理) deal with; handle 军法从事 deal with according to military law; court-martial; 慎重从事 act cautiously; steer a cautious course; 做这样事情要慎重从事! be cautious in doing such a matter
The guidance principles of the sanction and prevention on the international environmental crimes go through the legislation , administration of laws , and any other extrajudicial activity , which are the principles of directive functions to strike and prevent this kind of crimes 并认为三者相互联系,相互依存,从始自终贯穿于国际环境犯罪的打击和预防行动之中,对国际社会打击和预防环境犯罪的具体对策起着指导性作用。