Humanists may not readily accept the truth . 人道主义者不会轻易接受这个事实。
So much was european, and part of the great humanitarian surge of the century . 这些是典型的欧洲思想,是十九世纪伟大的人道主义思潮的一个组成部分。
But it thought that such a humanitarian proposal was one way of calming domestic dissent . 但它觉得这类人道主义的建议不失为平息国内不满意见的一种办法。
Levchenko thought: it was the war in the name of peace; subversion in the guise of humanitarianism . 列夫钦科想:这是以和平名义进行的战争;是在人道主义伪装下的收买。
Early in the nineteenth century, humanitarian movements inspired largely by religious sentiments, sprang up in both britain and the united states . 十九世纪初,人道主义运动大受宗教情绪的激发,在英、美两国兴起。
Reevaluation of the two connotations of humanism 对人道主义内涵两种划分的再理解
Technology cannot change the condition of humanity 科技不能改变人道主义状况。
Temporary protective status , humanitarian parole , 临时保护权,人道主义特许入境
A tentative study on erich fromm ' s humanistic conscience 弗洛姆人道主义良心论