中非人民解放运动 mouvement de liberation du peuple centrafricain; mouvement pour la liberation du peuple centrafricain; movement for the liberation of the central african people
Economic independence would develop in the context of the liberation of all oppressed people . 经济独立,将在全体被压迫人民解放的总过程中得到发展。
National independence and the liberation of the people 民族独立和人民解放
It was unclear under what terms the splm would return to the government fold 然而不清楚的是,苏丹人民解放运动会提出什么样的条件来共同执政。
Mr bashir has agreed to reshuffle the splm ministers and has arranged to meet mr kiir 巴希尔总统同意将人民解放运动的部长们进行重新编制,还安排了与基尔先生会面。
After the new china setting up , announcing the old system having been destrncted , people being liberated and also the new emancipation of chinese women 新中国的成立,宣告了旧制度的灭亡,宣告了人民解放,也宣告了中国妇女的新生。
Fifty - seven years ago , the chinese people succeeded in winning liberation after protracted and hard struggle and founded new china in which people became their own masters 57年前中国人民经过长期奋斗,实现了民族独立和人民解放,建立了人民当家作主的新中国。
The man at the center of the incident , ahmed saadat , is a leader of p . f . l . p . , which claimed responsibility for killing the israeli cabinet minister in 2001 这一事件的中心人物是巴勒斯坦人民解放阵线领导人萨达特,他的组织声称为2001年杀死以色列旅游部长负责。
What belong to prosperous the area was liberated in october 1949 , establish people to liberate committee subsequently , put in leader of southwest stratocracy committee ' s charge 所属昌都地区在一九五年十月解放,随后成立人民解放委员会,归西南军政委员会领导。
This shows clearly that the soviet union ' s war is a just and non - predatory war of liberation , a war helping to liberate weak and small nations and free the people 这就是表明,苏联的战争是正义的、非掠夺的、谋解放的战争,是援助弱小民族解放、援助人民解放的战争。