Thirty years ago , wasn ' t overpopulation the big concern 30年前,人口过多的议题没人不关心吧?
An increase in crime is one of the by - products of overpopulation 犯罪的增加是人口过多的副产品之一。
It s not that we are overpopulated , really . we are just not spread out evenly 事实上不是人口过多的问题,而是人口分布不平均。
Laughter it s not that we are overpopulated , really . we re just not spread out evenly (大众笑)事实上不是人口过多的问题,而是人口分布不平均。
Theories of egoism and altruism ; status of a fetus ; problem of overpopulation ; judith thomson ; debate on local cases 利己主义与利他主义、胚胎的地位、人口过多的问题、汤逊、本地个案之研究。
Say the jungles in brazil - the environmental abuse there . the destruction of the forest there , the rain forest . the land , it s being defoliated and that results in floods 在巴西丛林里,也有环境滥用的问题,他们破坏那里的雨林区,在土地上施放落叶剂造成水灾,这和人口过多的问题也有关系。
Say the jungles in brazil - the environmental abuse there . the destruction of the forest there , the rain forest . the land , it s being defoliated and that results in floods 在巴西丛林里,也有环境滥用的问题,他们破坏那里的雨林区,在土地上施放落叶剂造成水灾,这和人口过多的问题也有关系。
With a little genetic tinkering , fast ? growing fish and freeze resistant fruits will help feed an overpopulated planet , but such hybrids could unwittingly wipe out the food chain 有了稍经基因修复、快速养殖的鱼和防冻水果,人口过多的星球将获得足够的食物,不过,这些合成物可能不知不觉地彻底摧毁食物链。
So , it s not that we should fear about overpopulation . we should be more organized to give people of the world more benefit of employment opportunities and housing and security . then everywhere is the same 所以我们不必担心人口过多,而应该替世人创造更有利的就业机会居住环境和安全保障,如此一来到处都一样了,就没有人口过多的问题。
So , it s not that we should fear overpopulation . we should be more organized to give the people of the world more benefits of employment opportunities , housing and security . then everywhere will be the same 所以我们不必担心人口过多,而应该替世人创造更有利的就业机会居住环境和安全保障,如此一来到处都一样了,就没有人口过多的问题。