Your marketing department might want to examine demographic information about users on your site 市场营销部门可能希望查看有关您的站点的用户的人口统计信息。
You could then build a mining model that relates demographics to how much money a customer spends in a store 然后,您可以生成一个挖掘模型,该模型可将人口统计信息与某位客户在商店中的消费金额关联起来。
For example , a series of tables may contain customer ids , demographic information , and the amount of money each customer spends at a specific store 例如,一系列表可能包含客户id 、人口统计信息以及每位客户在某个特定商店消费的金额。
A developer wants to create an application that updates store demographics information by sending an xml document to a web service hosted by sql server 开发人员希望创建一个应用程序,让它通过向以sql server为宿主的web服务发送xml文档来更新商店人口统计信息。
After the tasks , we asked them a few questions about where in china they lived , their internet usage and some other basic demographic information 任务完成后,我们还对参与实验的学生进行提问,问题包括他们在中国的住所,使用网络的情况以及其他一些基本的人口统计信息问题。
This paper is intended to discusses the concept , characteristic of gis and the method , key factors in creating shenyang population statistics gis using mapinfo and creating a data warehouse about population statistics information 本文讨论了gis的基本概念、特征以及利用mapinfo创建《沈阳市统计人口地理信息系统》的方法及关键问题,分析论述了创建人口统计信息多维数据仓库的方法及关键问题。