- exercise therapy in puerperium
- 产褥期 puerperium; duration of conf ...
- 医疗 medical treatment
- 体育 physical culture; physical t ...
- 医疗体育 medical exercise therapy; medical gymnastics; medico-athletics; therapeutic gymnastics
- 医疗体育室 therapeutic gymnasium; therapeutical gymnastic room
- 医疗体育,医疗体操 medical gymnastic
- 肥胖医疗体育 exercise therapy in obesity
- 骨折医疗体育 exercise therapy in fracture
- 截瘫医疗体育 exercise therapy in paraplegia
- 截肢医疗体育 excercise therapy for amputees
- 偏瘫医疗体育 exercise therapy in hemplegia
- 烧伤医疗体育 exercise therapy in burn
- 产褥期 [医学] puerperium; duration of confinement◇产褥期感染 puerperal infection
- 断肢再植医疗体育 exercise therapy in limb replantation
- 肺不张医疗体育 exercise therapy in atelectasis
- 肺结核医疗体育 exercise therapy in pulm onary tuberculosis
- 肺脓肿医疗体育 exercise therapy in pulmonary abscess
- 肺气肿医疗体育 exercise therapy in pulmonary emphysema
- 腹部外科医疗体育 exercise therapy in abdominal surgery
- 高血压医疗体育 exercise therapy in hypertension
- 关节外科医疗体育 exercise therapy in joint surgery
- 精神病医疗体育 exercise therapy in mental disease
- 民族形式医疗体育 traditional exercise therapy
- 内脏下垂医疗体育 exercise therapy in visceroptosis
- 神经衰弱医疗体育 exercise therapy in neurasthenia