

  • sales revenue



  • 例句与用法
  • A would pay a royalty amounting to 5 % of the total selling price for the products
  • Article 3 . taxpayers who produce taxable goods shall calculate tax in accordance with regulations based on the amount of the sales income of the product
  • Sales revenue of industrial products : refers to the revenue from the sales of products by industrial enterprises and the revenue from servicesprovided and etc
  • The xlpe insulated cables are the key products of our corporation , the output of 10 up to 220kv xlpe insulated cables is about 60 percent of the total output per year , the sales income for is 58 percent of the total sales income , the sales profit is the main profit source of our corporation , so the research to xlpe cable production system is very important
    交联电缆是本公司的拳头产品, 10 220kv交联电缆年产值占我公司电缆产品的60 ,产品销售收入占电缆销售收入的58 ,产品销售利润为公司的主要利润来源,因此,交联电缆生产系统的研究具有很强的实际意义。
  • Jiaxian group coporation , which is a leading industrialized agricultural enterprise in our city , combines grain - buying , selling , storageand milling into its managing range . it purchases 200 thousand tons of grain per year , and produces 140 thousand tons of fine rice . the sales income adds up to 180 million yuan . it ' s among top list in terms of economic resalts of the enterprises of the same kind in our prvince
    稼仙集团公司是集粮食购、储、加、销于一体的市级农业产业化龙头企业,年稻谷收购量20万吨,加工大米14万吨,产品销售收入1 . 8亿元,经济效益连续多年居全省同行前列。
  • The company is had the honor to win early or late " lukewarm state city is light industrial industry 100 strong companies " , " exit of wen zhou city is achieved collect advanced unit " , " industry of garment of wen zhou city highlights contributive company " , " financial condition of wen zhou city 100 beautiful enterprise " , " lukewarm 2006 ; yun xu of legal entity xu is obtained respectively " entrepreneur of outstanding youth of lukewarm state city is particularly honorary award " , " 100 prominent female entrepreneur of chinese " , " chinese economy 100 worthy " , " 10 good year spend economy of 2005 wen zhoumin battalion
    公司先后荣获“温州市轻工行业百强企业” 、 “温州市出口创汇先进单位” 、 “温州市服装行业突出贡献企业” 、 “温州市资信百佳企业” 、 “ 2006年温州市创建信用企业先进单位” 、 “温州市鹿城区2006年工业产品销售收入50强企业排序第29名”等荣誉称号;企业法人徐云旭分别获得“温州市优秀青年企业家特别荣誉奖” 、 “中国百名杰出女企业家” 、 “中国经济百名杰出人物” 、 “ 2005温州民营经济十大年度人物” 、 “ 2005中国十大经济女性年度人物提名奖” 、 “ 2005中国经济女性年度杰出贡献人物” 、 “世界华人女性精英金奖”荣誉称号。
  • The new plant , to be located in yancheng in east china s jiangsu province , will increase the tripartite venture s annual manufacturing capacity to 430 , 000 cars from the present 130 , 000 units , the venture said in a statement . kia has a 50 per cent stake in the venture . both dongfeng motor - one of china s biggest automakers - and yueda , an industrial group in jiangsu , hold 25 per cent
    从最近几年统计数据来看,公司主要产品大型公路客运客车市场销量处于稳步增长中,我们预计2005年全年销量增幅在5 - 10 %左右,同时,由于环保压力和消费者需求的逐步上升,车型配置逐年提高,单车价格稳步上升,公司主要产品销售收入将保持稳步增长。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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